Traffic Calming Strategy

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Consultation has concluded

We know how much traffic safety affects the quality of life for Innisfil residents just like you—that's why we're developing a traffic calming strategy. The strategy will blend the best, proven techniques with new, forward-thinking technologies, allowing us to address the community's traffic calming safety needs. Staff are working with an external consultant (EXP Services) to gain insight, follow best practices, and create a focus for this project. But we also need to hear from the context experts, and that means our residents.

What is traffic calming?

Traffic calming is the deliberate slowing of motor vehicle traffic on local roadways in a residential setting. Traffic calming reduces the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alters driver behaviour, and improves conditions for non-motorized roadway users. Essentially, we want to protect people getting around town who are walking, biking, skateboarding, etc. Historically, traffic calming has been achieved, with varying success, by physical measures that include things like signs, landscaping, pavement markings, speed bumps, curb bump-outs, and more.

In preparing the strategy, there will be a review of the existing road network uses and demands, customer inquiries, speed data, and collision data.

This project includes:

  • A hotspot analysis to determine key locations for traffic calming measures
  • A review of traffic calming best practices and emerging technologies
  • A pilot program to evaluate recommended traffic calming measures
  • The preparation of a Design Guide for Traffic Calming
  • Recommendations of Policy updates and development
  • Preparation of a 10-Year Traffic Calming Program

Past engagement

Public Open House #1

We held the first virtual public open house on April 26, 2022. You can review the recording and presentation materials for more information.

Traffic Calming Pilot Projects 

Traffic Calming Pilot Projects were held at select locations in Innisfil from August 26 to October 11, 2022. An online survey was open from October 31 to November 21, 2022 to collect feedback on the pilot projects.

Public Open House #2

We held the second virtual public open house on December 12, 2022. You can review the recording and presentation materials for more information.

Final Report

The final report for this project was presented to Council at the March 22, 2023 Council meeting and approved at the April 12, 2023 Council meeting. You can watch the meetings on the Town's YouTube channel.

We know how much traffic safety affects the quality of life for Innisfil residents just like you—that's why we're developing a traffic calming strategy. The strategy will blend the best, proven techniques with new, forward-thinking technologies, allowing us to address the community's traffic calming safety needs. Staff are working with an external consultant (EXP Services) to gain insight, follow best practices, and create a focus for this project. But we also need to hear from the context experts, and that means our residents.

What is traffic calming?

Traffic calming is the deliberate slowing of motor vehicle traffic on local roadways in a residential setting. Traffic calming reduces the negative effects of motor vehicle use, alters driver behaviour, and improves conditions for non-motorized roadway users. Essentially, we want to protect people getting around town who are walking, biking, skateboarding, etc. Historically, traffic calming has been achieved, with varying success, by physical measures that include things like signs, landscaping, pavement markings, speed bumps, curb bump-outs, and more.

In preparing the strategy, there will be a review of the existing road network uses and demands, customer inquiries, speed data, and collision data.

This project includes:

  • A hotspot analysis to determine key locations for traffic calming measures
  • A review of traffic calming best practices and emerging technologies
  • A pilot program to evaluate recommended traffic calming measures
  • The preparation of a Design Guide for Traffic Calming
  • Recommendations of Policy updates and development
  • Preparation of a 10-Year Traffic Calming Program

Past engagement

Public Open House #1

We held the first virtual public open house on April 26, 2022. You can review the recording and presentation materials for more information.

Traffic Calming Pilot Projects 

Traffic Calming Pilot Projects were held at select locations in Innisfil from August 26 to October 11, 2022. An online survey was open from October 31 to November 21, 2022 to collect feedback on the pilot projects.

Public Open House #2

We held the second virtual public open house on December 12, 2022. You can review the recording and presentation materials for more information.

Final Report

The final report for this project was presented to Council at the March 22, 2023 Council meeting and approved at the April 12, 2023 Council meeting. You can watch the meetings on the Town's YouTube channel.

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Traffic Calming Map

almost 3 years

Have Your Say!

The Traffic Calming 10-Year Program will include a list of locations in Innisfil where traffic calming projects are recommended. We want your input on what locations require traffic calming and why. 

You can use the Map Tool to do this. To start, click on the map or the “Go to Map” button. Click on the “ + “ icon to add and drag a pin, and then list your top 2 or 3 reasons why you feel traffic calming is needed there, including: 

  • Speeding
  • Increase safety for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Streetscape improvements
  • Increase access for all traffic modes
  • Reduce collisions
  • Reduce need for police enforcement
  • Reduce cut-through traffic
CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.