Planning Applications
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Check out our NEW GUIDE to find out more information about Virtual Planning Meetings, how to participate and get involved.
To watch the scheduled meeting, please go to the Town's YouTube channel.
What does Planning Do?
Planning Services is responsible for the long-range planning of the Town, including managing land uses and promoting efficient, effective and sustainable development.
Implementation of the Town’s Official Plan policies is accomplished through the use of a number of different tools, including secondary plans, subdivision approval, site plan control, zoning, community planning permit system (Our Shores CPPS), part lot control exemptions, Committee of Adjustment, ongoing policy development, and review of previous land-use decisions.
Planning Services works closely with the building services, engineering and economic development departments to respond to general inquiries related to land use in the Town as well as specific inquiries related to development applications.
Your Feedback
Below you will be able to see, review and comment on official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments and plans of subdivision/condominium applications. To comment, you must register with Get Involved Innisfil and review the Get Involved Innisfil Terms of Use and Privacy of Information policies. The written comments in the discussion are received as part of the public planning process and do not represent the opinions of the Town. They are posted here to be transparent regarding the information received on a planning application and may be made available at a public meeting and/or shared with the Town of Innisfil project partners.
REGISTER HERE to participate at a Public Planning Meeting
*If you receive a message stating that the form you are attempting to access is no longer active, this means the deadline to submit has passed. You still have an opportunity to participate or provide written comments by contacting the Deputy Clerk at 705-436-3740 ext. 2402.
Check out our NEW GUIDE to find out more information about Virtual Planning Meetings, how to participate and get involved.
To watch the scheduled meeting, please go to the Town's YouTube channel.
What does Planning Do?
Planning Services is responsible for the long-range planning of the Town, including managing land uses and promoting efficient, effective and sustainable development.
Implementation of the Town’s Official Plan policies is accomplished through the use of a number of different tools, including secondary plans, subdivision approval, site plan control, zoning, community planning permit system (Our Shores CPPS), part lot control exemptions, Committee of Adjustment, ongoing policy development, and review of previous land-use decisions.
Planning Services works closely with the building services, engineering and economic development departments to respond to general inquiries related to land use in the Town as well as specific inquiries related to development applications.
Your Feedback
Below you will be able to see, review and comment on official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments and plans of subdivision/condominium applications. To comment, you must register with Get Involved Innisfil and review the Get Involved Innisfil Terms of Use and Privacy of Information policies. The written comments in the discussion are received as part of the public planning process and do not represent the opinions of the Town. They are posted here to be transparent regarding the information received on a planning application and may be made available at a public meeting and/or shared with the Town of Innisfil project partners.
3424 6th Line - Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2024-001), Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-004) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2023-002) Applications
about 1 month agoShare 3424 6th Line - Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2024-001), Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-004) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2023-002) Applications on Facebook Share 3424 6th Line - Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2024-001), Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-004) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2023-002) Applications on Twitter Share 3424 6th Line - Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2024-001), Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-004) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2023-002) Applications on Linkedin Email 3424 6th Line - Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2024-001), Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-004) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2023-002) Applications linkApplications for Official Plan Amendment (File No. D09-2024-004), Zoning By-law Amendment (File No. D14-2023-002) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (File No. D12-2024-001) have been received to facilitate a plan of subdivision consisting of the development of employment/employment supportive uses through the creation of 12 employment use blocks, 2 employment supportive use blocks, 1 stormwater management block, a new public street, and a block to conserve natural heritage features on the northern portion of the property. The development is proposed to be accessed by a 26m ROW with one entrance from the 6th Line to the South, with a cul-de-sac at the northern end. Until municipal and sanitary services are available for the project (in accordance with the Innisfil Master Servicing Plan), each development block will provide a well and septic bed, and a dry hydrant for fire protection.
To facilitate the proposed draft plan of subdivision, the Official Plan Amendment (OPA) proposes to reduce the minimum lot area from 5 to 4 hectares for lands designated Employment Areas and not subject to an Employment Supportive Commercial Area Overlay. The OPA also proposes to add an Employment Supportive Commercial Area Overlay to Schedule B6 – Land Use: Innisfil Heights of the Official Plan to permit the development of employment supportive uses on lots of minimum 0.2 hectare. The Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) proposes to re-zone the subject lands from the “Agricultural (AG)” and ‘Environmental Protection (EP)’” Zones to site specific “Industrial General Exception (IG-X)” and “Commercial Business Park Exception (CBP-X)” Zones and to rezone portions of the lands to ‘Open Space (OS)’ to permit the proposed SWM facility.
A Public Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 18, 2024 to be held in the Council Chambers at 6:00 p.m. Please see the below link to the Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting for more information:
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Supporting Materials:
- Cover Letter
- Planning Justification Report
- Draft Plan of Subdivision
- Environmental Impact Study
- Restoration Buffer Planning Plan
- Arborist Report
- Tree Preservation Plan
- Preliminary Noise Assessment
- Traffic Impact Study
- Stages 1 & 2 Archaeological Assessment
- Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management
- Salt Management Plan
- SWM Operations & Maintenance Manual
- Preliminary Hydrogeological Assessment including Water Balance
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Phase One Environmental Site Assessment
- Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment
- D-4 Guideline Assessment
- Plan of Survey (Topo including contours)
- Parcel Abstract
Go to discussion -
Town-wide Zoning By-law/CPPS Amendment
about 1 month agoShare Town-wide Zoning By-law/CPPS Amendment on Facebook Share Town-wide Zoning By-law/CPPS Amendment on Twitter Share Town-wide Zoning By-law/CPPS Amendment on Linkedin Email Town-wide Zoning By-law/CPPS Amendment linkThe Town has initiated minor amendments to the Town’s Zoning and CPPS By-laws to correct contradictory definitions.
In 2022 the Town of Innisfil adopted By-Law No.’s 046-22 and 047-22 under Section 34(18) of the Planning Act. These amendments added a new ‘Short-Term
Accommodation’ definition and strengthened the Town’s existing by-laws to re-affirm that operators of short-term accommodation and bed and breakfasts must reside at the property. To maintain the Town’s original intent, a minor correction is required to address contradictions in the definitions of “Short Term Accommodation” and “Bed and Breakfast”.
This amendment applies to all properties in the Town of Innisfil, except for the Friday Harbour resort.
A Public Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 18, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at Town Hall (Council Chambers).
The Zoning By-law Amendment and CPPS By-law Amendment was adopted by Council on September 18, 2024. Please see the below links to the Staff Recommendation Reports considered by Council on June 26, 2024 and September 18, 2024 as well as the Notice of Passing.
- Staff Recommendation Report DSR-101-24 (June 26, 2024)
- Staff Recommendation Report DSR-128-24 (September 18, 2024)
- Notice of Passing (Zoning By-law 077-24 & CPPS By-law 078-24)
Supporting Materials
2025 Victoria Street - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-001), Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-006) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2022-001) Applications
about 1 month agoShare 2025 Victoria Street - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-001), Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-006) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2022-001) Applications on Facebook Share 2025 Victoria Street - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-001), Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-006) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2022-001) Applications on Twitter Share 2025 Victoria Street - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-001), Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-006) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2022-001) Applications on Linkedin Email 2025 Victoria Street - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-001), Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-006) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2022-001) Applications linkApplications for Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-001), Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-006) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2022-001) have been received to facilitate a proposed 343 unit residential subdivision consisting of 190 single detached lots, 153 townhouse lots, a stormwater management facility, two public park blocks and a large open space block, and would be accessed by municipal roads with an entrance from Victoria Street and Southview Avenue. The development is proposed to be fully serviced by future municipal water and sanitary services. The applications propose to permit townhouses, allow a maximum permitted density of 25 units per net hectare, and realign the Hazard Land Overlay. The subject lands are proposed to be re-zoned from the current Future Development (FD) and Environmental Protection (EP) Zones to Residential 2 Exception Hold (R2-XX(H)) zone, Residential 3 Exception Hold Zones (R3-XY(H) and R3-XX(H)), Residential Townhouse Exception Hold Zones (RT-XY(H) and RT-XX(H)), Open Space Zone (OS) and Environmental Protection Exception Zone (EP-XX) to facilitate the proposed subdivision.
A Public Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 18, 2024 to be held in the Council Chambers at 6:00pm. Please see the below link to the Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting for more information:
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Supporting Materials:
- Cover Letter
- Draft Official Plan Amendment
- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
- Draft Plan of Subdivision
- Planning Justification Report
- Public Engagement Strategy
- Placemaking and Urban Design Brief
- Trails Concept Plan
- Environmental Impact Study
- Floodplain Analysis
- Arborist Report
- Tree Inventory and Preservation Plans
- Hydrogeological Assessment
- Noise Impact Study
- Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
- Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment
- Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report
- Traffic Impact Study
- Stage 1-2 Archaeological Assessment
- Proof of Archaeological Register
- Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation
- Updated Geotechnical Investigation
- Topographic and Boundary Survey
- Top of Bank Demarcation Mapping
- Parcel Register
7958 Yonge St - Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2023-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-020) Applications
by dding, 11 months agoShare 7958 Yonge St - Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2023-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-020) Applications on Facebook Share 7958 Yonge St - Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2023-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-020) Applications on Twitter Share 7958 Yonge St - Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2023-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-020) Applications on Linkedin Email 7958 Yonge St - Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2023-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-020) Applications linkApplications for Draft Plan of Subdivision (File: D12-2023-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (File: D14-2022-020) have been received to develop a total of 79 residential condominium units, consisting of 34 single-detached dwelling units, 27 townhouse units, 18 back-to-back townhouse units, a stormwater management pond, and 2 commercial blocks. Additionally, 2 private condominium roads are proposed to provide access to the Subject Property via Victoria Street and Yonge Street.
The Subject Property is proposed to be rezoned from Commercial Village (CV), Open Space (OS), Residential 2 Exception Hold (R2-14(H)), and Residential Townhouse Exception Hold (RT-19(H)) to Commercial Village (CV), Open Space (OS), Residential 2 Exception Hold (R2-14(H)), Residential Townhouse Exception Hold (RT-19(H)) and “Residential Townhouse Exception Hold (RT-XX(H)) to facilitate the proposed development.
The Public Meeting was held on Wednesday, November 15, 2023 in Council Chambers. Please see below link:
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
The Zoning By-law Amendment was adopted by Council on August 14, 2024. Please see the below links to the Staff Recommendation Reports considered by Council on June 26, 2024 and August 14, 2024 as well as the Notice of Passing.
- Staff Recommendation Report DSR-091-24 (June 26, 2024)
- Staff Recommendation Report DSR-111-24 (August 14, 2024)
- Notice of Passing (Zoning By-law 061-24)
Supporting Materials:
- Cover Letter
- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
- Draft Plan of Subdivision
- Concept Plan
- Conceptual Streetscape Elevations
- Conceptual Townhouse Building Heights
- Planning Justification Report
- Public Consultation Strategy
- Parcel register 58096-0262
- Parcel register 58096-0263
- Functional Servicing Report and Stormwater Management Report
- Geotechnical Investigation
- Hydrogeological Investigation
- Noise Feasibility Study
- Traffic Impact Study
- Stage 1 and 2 Archeological Assessment
- Proof of Archaeological Register
- Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment
3185 Ireton Street - Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-010)
about 1 month agoShare 3185 Ireton Street - Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-010) on Facebook Share 3185 Ireton Street - Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-010) on Twitter Share 3185 Ireton Street - Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-010) on Linkedin Email 3185 Ireton Street - Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-010) linkAn application for Zoning By-law Amendment (File: D14-2024-010) has been received which proposes to rezone the subject lands from the Commercial Neighbourhood Exception Hold (CN-4(H)), Future Development (FD) and Future Development Exception (FD-3) Zones to a new site-specific Commercial Neighbourhood Zone (CN-XX) in order to facilitate a proposed commercial development consisting of nine (9) commercial buildings and associated on-site parking.
A Public Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, September 18, 2024 to be held in the Council Chambers at 6:00pm. Please see the below link to the Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting for more information:
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Supporting Materials:
- Cover Letter
- Conceptual Site Plan
- Conceptual Architectural Drawings
- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
- Planning Justification Report including Placemaking and Urban Design Brief
- Topographic Survey
- Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report
- Hydrogeological and Water Balance Assessment
- Arborist Report
- Traffic Impact Study
- Stage 1-2 Archaeological Assessment
706 Lockhart Road - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2023-003), Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2023-005) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2023-004) Applications
8 months agoShare 706 Lockhart Road - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2023-003), Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2023-005) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2023-004) Applications on Facebook Share 706 Lockhart Road - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2023-003), Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2023-005) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2023-004) Applications on Twitter Share 706 Lockhart Road - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2023-003), Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2023-005) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2023-004) Applications on Linkedin Email 706 Lockhart Road - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2023-003), Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2023-005) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (D12-2023-004) Applications linkApplications for Official Plan Amendment (File No. D09-2023-003), Zoning By-law Amendment (File No. D14-2023-005) and Draft Plan of Subdivision (File No. D12-2023-004) have been received to facilitate a proposed 314 unit residential subdivision consisting of 184 single detached freehold lots, 130 townhouse land lease lots, a 14.13 hectare environmental protection block, a 1.38 hectare stormwater management pond block, a 0.10 hectare sanitary pump station block, two parkland blocks consisting of a combined 0.69 hectares, a 5.02 hectare future development block in the north portion of the subject lands, a 0.35 hectare enhanced right of way block along Lockhart Road and a 0.25 hectare drainage block. The development is proposed to be accessed by a modified grid street network consisting of 18m wide public roads with two entrances from Lockhart Road across from Middlemass Street and Crescent Road to the south. Full municipal services are proposed to service the development.
The Official Plan Amendment proposes to re-designate the subject lands from 'Retirement Residential Area', 'Key Natural Heritage Features and Key Hydrologic Features', and 'Residential Low Density 1' to 'Residential Low Density 2', 'Key Natural Heritage Features and Key Hydrologic Features', and 'Residential Low Density 1', with a 'Hazard Land Overlay'. The Zoning By-law Amendment proposes to re-zone the lands to a site-specific Residential 3 Exception (R3-XX) Zone and Future Development Exception (FD-XX) Zone as well as Open Space (OS) and Environmental Protection (EP) Zones to facilitate the proposed subdivision.
A Public Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, February 21, 2024 to be held in Council Chambers at 6:30pm. Please see the below link to the Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting for more information:
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Supporting Materials:
- Cover Letter
- Draft Official Plan Amendment
- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
- Draft Plan of Subdivision
- Planning Justification Report and Placemaking Brief
- Functional Servicing & Stormwater Management Report (including Plans)
- Traffic Impact Study
- Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment
- Phase 2 Environmental Site Assessment
- Environmental Noise Assessment
- Baseline Hydrogeological Assessment
- Stage 1-2 Archaeological Assessment
- Natural Hazard Study Memo
- Architectural/Urban Design Guidelines
- Environmental Impact Study
- Arborist Report (including Tree Inventory and Preservation Plan)
- Preliminary Geotechnical Investigation
- Topographic Survey
Town Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment - Refreshment Vehicles - Town-wide
4 months agoShare Town Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment - Refreshment Vehicles - Town-wide on Facebook Share Town Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment - Refreshment Vehicles - Town-wide on Twitter Share Town Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment - Refreshment Vehicles - Town-wide on Linkedin Email Town Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment - Refreshment Vehicles - Town-wide linkThe Town has initiated an amendment to the Zoning By-law (D14-2024-008) respecting revised refreshment vehicle provisions applicable to any refreshment vehicle license within the Town of Innisfil. The amendment proposes changes that will effectively move the refreshment vehicle provisions from the zoning by-law to a licencing by-law. In doing so, the number of refreshment vehicles permitted is proposed to increase from ten (10) to twenty-five (25). Additionally, a provision is proposed which will prohibit refreshment vehicles within 30 metres of any restaurants, on an adjacent property, unless approval from that property owner is obtained.
The proposed amendment is a textual amendment, and the provisions apply to all licenced refreshment vehicles located within the Town of Innisfil.
A Public Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday June 19, 2024 to be held in the Council Chambers at 6:30pm. Please see the below link to the Notice of Town Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment and additional materials for more information.
Notice of Town Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment and Public Meeting
Additional Materials:
1303 Belle Aire Beach Road - Cortel Group Subdivision
about 5 years agoShare 1303 Belle Aire Beach Road - Cortel Group Subdivision on Facebook Share 1303 Belle Aire Beach Road - Cortel Group Subdivision on Twitter Share 1303 Belle Aire Beach Road - Cortel Group Subdivision on Linkedin Email 1303 Belle Aire Beach Road - Cortel Group Subdivision linkA Zoning By-law Amendment, Official Plan Amendment and Plan of Subdivision has been submitted on the subject property to permit a development consisting of 153 residential units, specifically 120 condominium townhouse dwellings, 2 condominium semi-detached, and 14 condominium live-work units on a private common element road, and 17 single-detached dwellings (including one future lot) on a public road, common amenity areas, public park, and stormwater management block.
Town Council considered the applications at the June 22, 2022 Council meeting. Please see links below for the Council Agenda, Staff Report and Notice of Adoption and Notice of Decision (OPA & Subdivision). The Zoning By-law Amendment was not considered at this Council meeting and will be considered at a later date.
-Staff Report (starts on page 484 of the Council Agenda package linked above)
-Notice of Adoption and Notice of Decision (OPA & Subdivision)
The Official Plan Amendment (OPA) was heard at the September 17, 2022 County of Simcoe Committee of the Whole Agenda, linked below.
-County of Simcoe - Meeting Information (
Please review the associated documents and leave your comments here.
Notice of Public Meeting and Open House - 1303 Belle Aire Beach Road
Friday Harbour - 3740 Sunreef Avenue - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-001)
4 months agoShare Friday Harbour - 3740 Sunreef Avenue - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-001) on Facebook Share Friday Harbour - 3740 Sunreef Avenue - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-001) on Twitter Share Friday Harbour - 3740 Sunreef Avenue - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-001) on Linkedin Email Friday Harbour - 3740 Sunreef Avenue - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2024-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2024-001) linkOfficial Plan Amendment (File: D09-2024-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (File: D14-2024-001) Applications have been received to facilitate proposed development within the Hotel and Conference Facility and Beach Precincts of Friday Harbour Resort, and to permit resort amenities within the Environmental Protection Area designation of the lands, including a racquet academy, sports zone, forest canopy walk, spa and forest school. The amendments propose to permit an increase in height for the hotel to 15 storeys, a reduction of hotel units to 200, an increase in height in the Beach Precinct to up to 14 storeys, an increase in overall Resort Residential units to 3,500 and an increase in overall combined Resort Residential and Resort Hotel units to 3,700 units. The Zoning Amendment proposes to establish site-specific standards to facilitate development of the Beach Precinct and Hotel and Conference Facility and permit the proposed racquet academy and forest amenities within areas of the Environmental Protection Area (EPA) and Rural Open Space (ROS) zones
A Public Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, June 19, 2024 to be held in Council Chambers at 6:30pm. Please see the below link to the Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting for more information:
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Supporting Materials:
- Cover Letter
- Draft Official Plan Amendment
- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment & Schedule
- Planning Opinion Report
- Consolidated OPA 17 Secondary Plan
- Consolidated Zoning By-law 029-05
- Concept Plan and Architectural Drawings (Hotel and Conference Facility)
- Concept Plan and Architectural Drawings (Beach Precinct)
- Concept Plan (Resort Amenities)
- Concept Plan (Racquet Academy)
- Unit Allocation Map
- Code Compliance Letter
- Resort Amenity Study
- Commercial Needs Assessment
- Economic and Fiscal Impact Report
- Stage 3 Archaeological Study
- Environmental Noise Report
- Edge Management Plan, Tree Canopy Removal and Planting Plan
- Geotechnical and Hydrogeological Review Letter
- Transportation and Parking Assessment
- Urban Design Study
- Functional Servicing Report
- Environmental Impact Study
- Natural Heritage Assessment
1065 7th Line - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2023-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2021-014) Applications
5 months agoShare 1065 7th Line - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2023-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2021-014) Applications on Facebook Share 1065 7th Line - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2023-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2021-014) Applications on Twitter Share 1065 7th Line - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2023-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2021-014) Applications on Linkedin Email 1065 7th Line - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2023-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2021-014) Applications linkApplications for Official Plan Amendment (File No. D09-2023-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (File: D14-2021-014) have been received to facilitate a proposed development consisting of 47 three storey residential townhouse units at 1065 7th Line, to be accessed by a private condominium road. The subject lands are proposed to be re-designated from the 'Residential Low Density 1' designation to the 'Residential Medium Density' designation and re-zoned from the 'Residential 1 (R1)' Zone to a site-specific 'Residential Townhouse Exception (RT-XX)' Zone in order to facilitate the proposed townhouse development. A plan of subdivision application is proposed to be submitted following consideration of the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments.
A Public Meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, May 15, 2024 to be held in the Council Chambers at 6:30pm. Please see the below link to the Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting for more information:
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Supporting Materials:
- Cover Letter
- Draft Official Plan Amendment
- Draft Zoning By-law Amendment
- Planning Justification Report
- Urban Design and Placemaking Report
- Placemaking Map
- Site Plan
- Architectural Floor Plans and Elevations
- Conceptual Renderings
- Topographic and Boundary Survey
- Landscape and Tree Preservation Plans
- Preliminary Landscape Cost Estimate
- Tree Inventory, Analysis, Preservation and Compensation Report
- Civil Drawings
- Draft Plan of Subdivision
- Hydrogeological Assessment Report
- Traffic Letter
- Geotechnical Investigation Report
- Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report
- Noise Feasibility Study
- LSRCA Flood Correspondence Letter