Planning Applications
REGISTER HERE to participate at a Public Planning Meeting
*If you receive a message stating that the form you are attempting to access is no longer active, this means the deadline to submit has passed. You still have an opportunity to participate or provide written comments by contacting the Deputy Clerk at 705-436-3740 ext. 2402.
Check out our NEW GUIDE to find out more information about Virtual Planning Meetings, how to participate and get involved.
To watch the scheduled meeting, please go to the Town's YouTube channel.
What does Planning Do?
Planning Services is responsible for the long-range planning of the Town, including managing land uses and promoting efficient, effective and sustainable development.
Implementation of the Town’s Official Plan policies is accomplished through the use of a number of different tools, including secondary plans, subdivision approval, site plan control, zoning, community planning permit system (Our Shores CPPS), part lot control exemptions, Committee of Adjustment, ongoing policy development, and review of previous land-use decisions.
Planning Services works closely with the building services, engineering and economic development departments to respond to general inquiries related to land use in the Town as well as specific inquiries related to development applications.
Your Feedback
Below you will be able to see, review and comment on official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments and plans of subdivision/condominium applications. To comment, you must register with Get Involved Innisfil and review the Get Involved Innisfil Terms of Use and Privacy of Information policies. The written comments in the discussion are received as part of the public planning process and do not represent the opinions of the Town. They are posted here to be transparent regarding the information received on a planning application and may be made available at a public meeting and/or shared with the Town of Innisfil project partners.
REGISTER HERE to participate at a Public Planning Meeting
*If you receive a message stating that the form you are attempting to access is no longer active, this means the deadline to submit has passed. You still have an opportunity to participate or provide written comments by contacting the Deputy Clerk at 705-436-3740 ext. 2402.
Check out our NEW GUIDE to find out more information about Virtual Planning Meetings, how to participate and get involved.
To watch the scheduled meeting, please go to the Town's YouTube channel.
What does Planning Do?
Planning Services is responsible for the long-range planning of the Town, including managing land uses and promoting efficient, effective and sustainable development.
Implementation of the Town’s Official Plan policies is accomplished through the use of a number of different tools, including secondary plans, subdivision approval, site plan control, zoning, community planning permit system (Our Shores CPPS), part lot control exemptions, Committee of Adjustment, ongoing policy development, and review of previous land-use decisions.
Planning Services works closely with the building services, engineering and economic development departments to respond to general inquiries related to land use in the Town as well as specific inquiries related to development applications.
Your Feedback
Below you will be able to see, review and comment on official plan amendments, zoning by-law amendments and plans of subdivision/condominium applications. To comment, you must register with Get Involved Innisfil and review the Get Involved Innisfil Terms of Use and Privacy of Information policies. The written comments in the discussion are received as part of the public planning process and do not represent the opinions of the Town. They are posted here to be transparent regarding the information received on a planning application and may be made available at a public meeting and/or shared with the Town of Innisfil project partners.
1335 Killarney Beach Road - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-019) Applications
by dding, almost 2 years agoShare 1335 Killarney Beach Road - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-019) Applications on Facebook Share 1335 Killarney Beach Road - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-019) Applications on Twitter Share 1335 Killarney Beach Road - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-019) Applications on Linkedin Email 1335 Killarney Beach Road - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-019) Applications link1 ResponseOfficial Plan Amendment (File No. D09-2022-003) and Zoning By-law Amendment (File No. D14-2022-019) applications have been received to redesignate a portion of the subject lands at 1335 Killarney Beach Road from 'Downtown Commercial Area', ‘Residential Low Density 1' and 'Key Natural Heritage Features and Key Hydrologic Features' to 'Residential Medium Density' and to rezone from Mixed Use 4 (Lefroy) Exception (MU4-2(H)) to Residential Townhouse Exception (RT-X) to permit the development of a mix of 3-storey common element townhouses and 3-storey back-to-back townhouses, totaling 60 residential units (the site is currently designated and zoned for seniors apartments up to 4 storeys).
The Public Meeting was held on Wednesday, March 15, 2023 in Council Chambers. Please see below link:
The Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications were adopted and conditionally approved by Council on December 13, 2023. Please see the below links to the Staff Recommendation Report, December 13, 2023 Council Meeting Minutes and the Notice of Adoption and Passing.
Please note the adopted OPA is currently being reviewed by the County of Simcoe for a final decision.
Supporting Materials:
Geotechnical Investigation Report
Noise Feasibility Study Addendum
Traffic Impact Study Reliance Letter
Water Balance Technical Memorandum
Go to discussion -
1610 Ladywood Way - By-law Amendment to the Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) ‘Our Shore’ By-law 062-17
by dding, over 1 year agoShare 1610 Ladywood Way - By-law Amendment to the Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) ‘Our Shore’ By-law 062-17 on Facebook Share 1610 Ladywood Way - By-law Amendment to the Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) ‘Our Shore’ By-law 062-17 on Twitter Share 1610 Ladywood Way - By-law Amendment to the Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) ‘Our Shore’ By-law 062-17 on Linkedin Email 1610 Ladywood Way - By-law Amendment to the Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) ‘Our Shore’ By-law 062-17 linkCLOSED: This discussion has concluded.The purpose of this application is to request a By-law Amendment from Sections 5.2.2 and 5.2.3 of Shoreline By-law (File No. SL-2023-026) to permit an in-water boathouse with increased height, width, length and projection into Lake Simcoe, with a site-specific east interior side yard setback for the in-water boathouse, and a dock with increased cumulative area for the subject property municipally know as 1610 Ladywood Way (see below).
The following table shows the application and site information:
Silcorp Lands (Innisfil) Inc.
Application Type
By-law Amendment Application
File Number(s)
Municipal Address
1610 Ladywood Way
Legal Description
County Official Plan Designation(s)
Rural Lands
Our Place Official Plan Designation(s)
Shoreline Residential Area
Zoning By-law
CPPS – Community Planning Permit System
The Public Meeting has been scheduled on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 in Council Chambers.
Supporting Materials:
- Proposed Plans
- Draft CPPS By-law Amendment
- Neighbourhood Support Letters
Planning Justification Report
Replies Closed -
3476 Crescent Harbour Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application (File No. D14-2023-008)
about 1 year agoShare 3476 Crescent Harbour Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application (File No. D14-2023-008) on Facebook Share 3476 Crescent Harbour Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application (File No. D14-2023-008) on Twitter Share 3476 Crescent Harbour Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application (File No. D14-2023-008) on Linkedin Email 3476 Crescent Harbour Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application (File No. D14-2023-008) linkAn application for Zoning By-law Amendment (File: D14-2023-008) has been received which proposes to rezone the subject lands from the Residential One (R1) Zone and Environmental Protection (EP) Zone to a site-specific Residential One-Exception (R1-XX) Zone and Environmental Protection (EP) Zone to facilitate construction of a detached garage on the subject lands. The proposed site-specific amendment would permit a detached garage to be constructed on the subject lands before the principal dwelling is constructed and would also permit an increased maximum height from 5m to 5.75m for the proposed garage. The proposed garage is associated with the applicant's main dwelling located across the road at 3477 Crescent Harbour Road.
The Public Meeting has been scheduled on Wednesday November 15, 2023 in the Council Chambers. Please see the below link to the Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting, Public Meeting Agenda and Public Meeting Minutes:
The Zoning By-law Amendment application was approved by Council on Wednesday January 10th, 2024. Please see the below links to the Staff Recommendation Report and Notice of Passing.
1220 Shoreview Drive - By-law Amendment and Class 1 Variation to the Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) 'Our Shore' By-law 062-17
over 1 year agoShare 1220 Shoreview Drive - By-law Amendment and Class 1 Variation to the Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) 'Our Shore' By-law 062-17 on Facebook Share 1220 Shoreview Drive - By-law Amendment and Class 1 Variation to the Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) 'Our Shore' By-law 062-17 on Twitter Share 1220 Shoreview Drive - By-law Amendment and Class 1 Variation to the Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) 'Our Shore' By-law 062-17 on Linkedin Email 1220 Shoreview Drive - By-law Amendment and Class 1 Variation to the Community Planning Permit System (CPPS) 'Our Shore' By-law 062-17 linkThe purpose of this application is to request a Class 1 Variation from Section 5.2.2 of the Shoreline By-law for the maximum height and length of a proposed in-water boatport. The application also requests a By-law Amendment from Section 5.2.2 of the Shoreline By-law to permit an increase in the maximum projection into Lake Simcoe and a reduced eastern interior side yard setback for the proposed in-water boatport. The boatport is proposed to be constructed on top of the permanent dock structure which was recently approved and constructed.
The following table shows the application and site information:
William Hatton
Application Type
By-law Amendment Application and Class 1 Shoreline Permit Application
File Number(s)
Municipal Address
1220 Shoreview Drive
Legal Description
PLAN 51M788 LOT 1
County Official Plan Designation(s)
Our Place Official Plan Designation(s)
Shoreline Residential Area
Zoning By-law
CPPS – Community Planning Permit System
The Public Meeting has been scheduled on Wednesday, October 18, 2023 in Council Chambers.
Supporting Materials:
1803 9th Line - Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment (D18-2023-002) Application
by karora, over 1 year agoShare 1803 9th Line - Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment (D18-2023-002) Application on Facebook Share 1803 9th Line - Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment (D18-2023-002) Application on Twitter Share 1803 9th Line - Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment (D18-2023-002) Application on Linkedin Email 1803 9th Line - Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment (D18-2023-002) Application linkThe Housekeeping Zoning By-law Amendment (File No. D18-2023-002) proposes mapping changes to correct inconsistencies for property located at 1803 9th Line. A portion of the subject lands are proposed to be rezoned from 'Environmental Protection (EP)' zone to 'Agricultural General (AG)' zone consistent with the Official Plan land use designations.
The Public Meeting has been scheduled on Wednesday, August 16, 2023 in Council Chambers. Please see below link:
Supporting Materials:
D14-2022-014 -1417 6th Line Zoning By-law Amendment
by Chris Cannon, Placemaker/Planner, almost 2 years agoShare D14-2022-014 -1417 6th Line Zoning By-law Amendment on Facebook Share D14-2022-014 -1417 6th Line Zoning By-law Amendment on Twitter Share D14-2022-014 -1417 6th Line Zoning By-law Amendment on Linkedin Email D14-2022-014 -1417 6th Line Zoning By-law Amendment linkApplication for a Temporary Use Zoning By-law Amendment (File: D14-2022-014) has been received to rezone the lands to permit the subject lands to be used for a sales pavilion.
Approved By-law 044-23DSR-066-2023 Recommendation Report
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment
Stage 2 Archaeological Assessment
D14-2022-015 Zoning By-law Amendment 2125 Raynor Court
by Chris Cannon, Placemaker/Planner, almost 2 years agoShare D14-2022-015 Zoning By-law Amendment 2125 Raynor Court on Facebook Share D14-2022-015 Zoning By-law Amendment 2125 Raynor Court on Twitter Share D14-2022-015 Zoning By-law Amendment 2125 Raynor Court on Linkedin Email D14-2022-015 Zoning By-law Amendment 2125 Raynor Court linkApplications for a Zoning By-law Amendment (File: D14-2022-015) has been received to rezone the lands from "Residential 1 (R1)" Zone to "Mixed Use 2 Exception (MU2-1)" Zone to permit the subject lands to be used for uses associated with the adjacent hardware store.
Recommendation Report Zoning By-law Amendment
3999 Friday Drive - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-004) for Seasons Retirement at Friday Harbour
by vwitt, over 2 years agoShare 3999 Friday Drive - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-004) for Seasons Retirement at Friday Harbour on Facebook Share 3999 Friday Drive - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-004) for Seasons Retirement at Friday Harbour on Twitter Share 3999 Friday Drive - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-004) for Seasons Retirement at Friday Harbour on Linkedin Email 3999 Friday Drive - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-002) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-004) for Seasons Retirement at Friday Harbour linkApplications for Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment (File: D09-2022-002 & D14-2022-004) have been received proposing to redesignate and rezone Site 1 on the Key Map below to allow a resort retirement building up to 4 storeys (the site is currently zoned to allow townhouses and stacked townhouses up to 4 storeys). A Holding (H) Provision is proposed on the current Resort Hotel site (Site 2 on the Key Map below) to require an executed Site Plan Agreement for a Hotel and Conference Facility before the Holding Provision can be lifted to allow development. Changes to the resort phasing provisions are also proposed which would allow continued construction of resort residential units prior to a hotel and conference facilities being constructed.
The Public Meeting was held Wednesday, August 17, 2022 in Council Chambers. Please see below links.
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Link to Public Meeting Special Council Agenda - Innisfil - Meeting Information (
Link to Public Meeting Recording - (358) Special Council - August 17 2022 - YouTube
The Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications were adopted and conditionally approved at Council on Wednesday, September 28, 2022. Please see below links.
Meeting Agenda - Innisfil - Meeting Information (
Council Meeting Recording - Sept 28
Notice of Adoption (OPA) and Notice of Conditional Approval (ZBA)
Supporting Materials:
Planning Opinion Report, including OPA and ZBA text and Schedule
Urban Design and Architectural Control Guidelines Conformity Memo
Transportation and Parking Assessment Letter
Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Compliance Letter
Landscape Plan for the 10m Buffer adjacent to Big Bay Point Road
7403 County Road 27 - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-001) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-003) Applications
by vwitt, over 2 years agoShare 7403 County Road 27 - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-001) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-003) Applications on Facebook Share 7403 County Road 27 - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-001) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-003) Applications on Twitter Share 7403 County Road 27 - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-001) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-003) Applications on Linkedin Email 7403 County Road 27 - Official Plan Amendment (D09-2022-001) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-003) Applications linkOfficial Plan Amendment (D09-2022-001) and Zoning By-law Amendment (D14-2022-003) applications have been received to redesignate a portion of the subject lands at 7403 County Road 27 from "Agricultural Area" to "Agricultural Area Special Section" and to rezone a portion of the lands from "Agricultural General (AG)" Zone to "Agricultural General Exception (AG-X)" Zone to permit the conversion of the existing poultry barn into an on-farm diversified use in the form of a self-storage facility and an agriculture-related use/on-farm diversified use in the form of a farm product sales shop.
DSR-080-23 ZBA Recommendation Report
The Public Meeting was held in Council Chambers on Wednesday, August 17, 2022. Please see below links.
-Notice of Complete Application
Link to Public Meeting Special Council Agenda - Innisfil - Meeting Information (
Link to Public Meeting Recording - (358) Special Council - August 17 2022 - YouTube
The Official Plan Amendment was adopted at Council on Wednesday, September 28, 2022. Please note the associated Zoning By-law Amendment has not been approved at this time. It will return to Council at a later date. Please see below links.
Meeting Agenda - Innisfil - Meeting Information (
Council Meeting Recording - Sept 28
Supporting Materials:
Engineering Package - Site Servicing and Stormwater Brief
Geotechnical Test Pit Investigation
3260 9th Line - Zoning By-law Amendment
by Chris Cannon, Placemaker/Planner, over 2 years agoShare 3260 9th Line - Zoning By-law Amendment on Facebook Share 3260 9th Line - Zoning By-law Amendment on Twitter Share 3260 9th Line - Zoning By-law Amendment on Linkedin Email 3260 9th Line - Zoning By-law Amendment linkA complete Zoning By-law Amendment Application has been submitted to rezone the subject lands from "Agricultural General (AG) Zone" to "Industrial Business Park Exception (IBP-XX) Zone" to permit a variety of Employment uses.
Notice of Complete Application and Public Meeting
Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (Text)
Draft Zoning By-law (Schedule)
Erosion and Sediment Control Plan