Drainage Improvements
With increased amounts of surface water occurring, drainage is becoming a larger issue that the Town must plan for. Many of these areas are located adjacent to Lake Simcoe, which not only affects residents in the area but also affects the water quality of the watershed. In 2018, various roads within the Town of Innisfil with known drainage problems were evaluated to determine their current drainage issues and potential solutions. These roads included:
- Simcoe Boulevard
- Park Road
- West Street
- Bayshore Road
- 30th Sideroad North
- Blackwood Avenue / Timmins Avenue / Moyer Avenue Intersection
Based on the information gathered in the 2018 Drainage Improvement Evaluation, Town staff have developed a prioritization list based on operational needs, minimum maintenance standards and consultation with residents in the area.
Active Projects
Review current projects below.
Alcona Sanitary Sewer and Drainage Upgrades
The 2020 phase of this project has been combined with Innservices proposed sanitary improvements at Crystal Beach Rd and Buchanan St. to reduce construction impacts to the area. The projects includes drainage improvements to the following roads:
- Buchanan Street
- Tall Tree Lane
- Crystal Beach Road
- Goodfellow Avenue
- Bonsecour Crescent
Design for this phase of the project began in late June 2020 and is being completed by the Town's Consultant (Tatham Engineering Ltd.). The design phase of this project is expected to continue through 2020 to 2024 with a phased construction anticipated to begin spring 2025 through to 2026. Potential improvements for these roads will include:
- Roadway and driveway culvert replacements
- Ditch regrading and new ditch construction
- Upgrades to existing outlets
Tree Removals related to these works are scheduled for March 2025 to be completed by April 2025.
Public Engagement Session
The Online Engagement Form is now closed. Thank you for sharing your feedback and opinions on the alternative design concepts, recommendations and next steps in the study process.
MCEA Study Report
The Town of Innisfil initiated a Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (MCEA) for drainage improvements in the Bonsecours Beach and Goodfellow Beach area. Review the Documents section of this page to review the MCEA Study Report.
We issued a Notice of Study Completion in July 2023. We encourage people to review the Municipal Class Environmental Study Report.
2021 Drainage Improvements - Bayshore Road
The 2021 phase of this project will look at potential drainage improvements on Bayshore Road located in Gilford. The design of Bayshore Road drainage improvements will begin in the spring of 2022 and will continue through into 2025.
Completed Drainage Works To Date
Simcoe Boulevard
During the summer and fall of 2019, drainage improvements were completed on Simcoe Boulevard. The works were localized in the drainage channel located on Simcoe Boulevard and included: building a sediment barrier out of stones, sediment removal at the mouth of the channel, and cleaning out the existing culvert underneath the roadway.
Park Road & Innisfil Beach Park
In 2019, the Town acquired a consultant to design drainage improvements for Park Road. Park Road services a large drainage area and being so close to Lake Simcoe, flooding events occur often during the spring thaw and heavy rainfalls. By 2022, drainage was redirected through Innisfil Beach Park by creating a 3.0 m wide channel that outlets into Lake Simcoe. The Town worked with the Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority to create pocket wetlands in the park to improve water quality and create habitat for wildlife. A trail runs parallel to the naturalized channel to improve park connections and recreational use throughout the park.
The project also included ditch grading improvements and culvert replacements in the Town's right of way for a number of addresses. This project has been complete.
Stay informed
Please follow this project for status updates and additional phases of the project to be implemented in the near future.