Webster Boulevard Extension

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Consultation has concluded


The Town is working to extend Webster Boulevard from it's current north limit to 20th Sideroad. The project scope includes:

  • Full road construction
  • Intersection construction at 20th Sideroad
  • Traffic calming measures
  • Active transportation features


The extension of Webster Boulevard was included in the Town’s Transportation Master Plan Update (2018), Official Plan, and recent master planning documents. A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the project was completed in 2021. The EA Study examined various options for how the road would be aligned, what its cross sections would look like, how the intersection would be designed at 20th Sideroad, and how active transportation features would be integrated into the new roadway.

Previous public engagement

  • Public Open House #1: We held a virtual Public Open House on December 10, 2020 to help define the study scope and issues. You can view the open house exhibit boards to learn more.
  • Public Open House #2: An online engagement platform was available from March 26 to April 9, 2021 to present the Technically Preferred Plan and Effects and Mitigation Plan. You can view the open house exhibit boards to learn more.

Stay in the loop

Now that public engagement for this project has concluded, you can find project updates on our Webster Boulevard Extension webpage.

If you have questions, please contact us by calling 705-436-3710 or 1-888-436-3710 (toll free), or by emailing inquiry@innisfil.ca. You can also submit an inquiry through our online form.


The Town is working to extend Webster Boulevard from it's current north limit to 20th Sideroad. The project scope includes:

  • Full road construction
  • Intersection construction at 20th Sideroad
  • Traffic calming measures
  • Active transportation features


The extension of Webster Boulevard was included in the Town’s Transportation Master Plan Update (2018), Official Plan, and recent master planning documents. A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) for the project was completed in 2021. The EA Study examined various options for how the road would be aligned, what its cross sections would look like, how the intersection would be designed at 20th Sideroad, and how active transportation features would be integrated into the new roadway.

Previous public engagement

  • Public Open House #1: We held a virtual Public Open House on December 10, 2020 to help define the study scope and issues. You can view the open house exhibit boards to learn more.
  • Public Open House #2: An online engagement platform was available from March 26 to April 9, 2021 to present the Technically Preferred Plan and Effects and Mitigation Plan. You can view the open house exhibit boards to learn more.

Stay in the loop

Now that public engagement for this project has concluded, you can find project updates on our Webster Boulevard Extension webpage.

If you have questions, please contact us by calling 705-436-3710 or 1-888-436-3710 (toll free), or by emailing inquiry@innisfil.ca. You can also submit an inquiry through our online form.